Wednesday was transplant clinic day. I was not looking forward to this appointment because of the early start. I'm used to having clinic in the afternoons and now my clinic is in the mornings, bright and early. Tom and I live fifty miles from Stanford Hospital and with California traffic that means a long time in the car, no matter the time of day.
My appointment was to start at 7:30 am, which meant leaving the house at 6:15. I thought foolishly that we could actually make it on time because who the heck is on the road at that time!? Well, it seems a lot of people are trying to get to work and beat the "rush hour." It's always rush hour here! With starting so early there is no way I was going to get up any sooner than I had to, so I prepared my treatment for the car the night before and decided I was going to go in public shower-less. Up at 6 am, in the car by 6:15, it was a doozy, let me tell you.