Thursday, March 27, 2014

Lungs At 26

It may be my birthday today, but CF doesn't give me a day off. CF has been kicking my butt the last few days, which is making my special day a little less bright. I'm trying to fight through the sickness I'm feeling, but a nap and a lot of tea drinking seem like the best presents I can give myself today. Tom has been so great with helping me through this time. Men seem to always want to fix things, and I just keep reminding him that cuddles, kisses and hand-holding are all that is required when I feel so crappy. He has done an excellent job at giving me as many cuddles as possible.

Events have happened lately that I have not got around to blogging about. In my little bubble of life it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but I figured I would finally share the latest happenings with all of you.

Last Saturday evening I got another phone call for lungs. Unfortunately, they were high-risk lungs once again. The doctor told me the donor was a prostitute and, at the time of testing at least, she was negative for HIV and all forms of hepatitis. The doctor went on to further explain that the donor's chest wasn't looking right and they were asking for more intensive testing to be done to find out more about the lungs and how viable they were. The high risk factor and the unknown viability of the lungs made me realize the lungs were not for me. As much as I wanted them to be right because I'm feeling so ready for new lungs, I knew it was in my best interests to turn them down. I was able to learn that I was the second person to be called that night. Another patient at a hospital in San Francisco was asked if they wanted the lungs first, but that patient turned them down as well.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Pump It Up!

And so the wait continues on this long journey to new lungs. I have not posted in a while as there hasn't been much to report. I go about my days doing what is required to stay as healthy as possible. There is a lot of rinse and repeat action that takes place daily, but not enough blog fodder. In all honesty, I didn't think I would be waiting this long for lungs, and the longer it takes, the more I'm convinced it will be a long time before I get the phone call. I have been on the list for about five months now. I am extremely grateful for the stability in my health. I have not been in the hospital since October, which is the longest I have gone without IV antibiotics since I was a kid. I'm not sure how I'm doing that, but I just thank my lucky stars I'm able to maintain the health I have during this time.

Anyway, I'm not here to bore you with my lack of life. I do have some fun stuff, or at least fun to me, I want to share. As most of you know I now have diabetes. It's an extra little present that CF gives us in adulthood. So nice of CF, right?! I was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago and I'm still learning how to manage it effectively. It's not easy, but I'm dealing with it.

A couple of months ago, I decided that I was fed up with multiple insulin shots every day, so my doctor presented me with the idea of using an insulin pump. It is a much more effective way to manage diabetes and reduces the need for so many needles. I did some research on what pumps were available and what the daily and weekly requirements of having one would be. I was ready to take the plunge. After jumping through the mandatory insurance hoops, I finally received my t:slim pump. It was like Christmas in February when it arrived!