Thursday, September 5, 2013

Good News And Thankful Thursday

It is more like great news in the Williamson household. I have been approved by our insurance company to have my transplant at Stanford! Yippee!

Let me backtrack by saying many people were involved in phone calls, including my husband, to the insurance company. We actually had an idea that the denial from the insurance company was going to be reversed last Friday, but I did not believe them until I got solid confirmation. The confirmation came on Tuesday from Stanford and from the insurance company. We didn't ask many questions, but someone worked some magic and all things are sorted. I thought this process would be a lot longer and I planned on giving ourselves four weeks to sort out appeals and such, and then I was already planning on what transplant center I wanted to go to for new lungs. I am grateful we don't have to move and I don't have to go through another evaluation. I am now waiting on results from one final test, and then I can be listed for lung transplant.

Now, let's move onto what I am thankful for this week.

I am thankful for your thoughts and prayers regarding my insurance situation. I am especially grateful to the people who worked hard to get the denial reversed.

I am thankful for the health I do have, which allows me to get on with my daily activities. I love to cook, and I am thankful that my body still allows me to stand long enough to make delicious dinners each night!

I am thankful for Skype. Skype has allowed Tom and I to keep my parents and my in-laws in the loop about everything that goes on in our lives. It is nice to sit down and be able to talk about events that have happened, and share our transplant journey with them via video.

I am thankful for good Indian food. Tom and I found a great Indian restaurant about a half hour from our house. We visited the restaurant last Sunday and it was one of the best Indian meals I have had! Tom turned me onto Indian food and I can't get enough naan and chicken tikka masala.

What are you thankful for on this first Thursday in September?


  1. I am thankful for you Mags.
    Love, Ugly Wentling

  2. What wonderful news - I'm delighted for you Maggie. Fingers crossed for some new lungs asap! xx

  3. Just thankful. Every day I look around at the beauty of this world there is always something to be thankful for.

  4. Huzzah! The Queen is returning to her throne!
