I have neglected the blog a bit, but I have been busy with pulmonary rehab and other things. I had some spare time this week, so I decided to put my not-so-great baking skills to use.
I had an urge last Monday to bake. I cook all of the time and I feel comfortable in that role. I cook dinners most nights and I enjoy trying new recipes and seeing where I can take my culinary skills. Baking, on the other hand is not my forte, nor have I ever been that interested. It might have something to do with the fact I don't like sweets as much as I love salty snacks!
Monday is when that changed. I had an urge to bake chocolate chip cookies. I decided to start with something easy and go with the Nestlé Toll House recipe, straight off the back of the chocolate chips bag. I was really nervous because I know baking requires exact measurements, and in cooking I usually take liberties with my measurements. Well, the cookies turned out great and I'm pretty sure Tom has been having them with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I forgot to mention, my husband is a desert-a-holic. It is another reason I don't keep sweet things in the house. He devours ice cream, cakes, and pies like it is his job.