Moving is not for the faint of heart. The days leading up to our move were agonizing, stressful and anxiety-ridden. We found ourselves resisting the change we had committed to make. We were trying to sabotage our own decision, one we knew would be beneficial in the end. What were we so afraid of? Fear stops us from doing so many things in life, but the lease was already signed. We couldn't stop, all we could do was complain, yell and even cry a little bit.
Moving day came, the truck got loaded and unloaded, and smiles came back to our faces. Our furniture was set down in our new place and it felt like home almost immediately. Our shoulders relaxed, our shouting went back to talking, and our eyes were certainly dry. It took us, ok, it took Tom approximately three days to unpack every single box. He's a pretty awesome husband, that's for sure!
Life transitioned quite smoothly after that. I went for a doctor's appointment two days after we moved. The drive to the hospital was so short, we could not stop talking about it to anyone who would listen to us at clinic. My lungs even improved slightly from all that packing and unpacking that I was doing.