Numbers are all around us and recently I noticed myself paying more attention to the numbers in my own life. Not everyone can understand what my daily life is like, but most understand numbers. Numbers can give a more concrete picture of a situation.
The photo above represents my life seven days a week. The table is covered with seven days' worth of medicine to keep me alive. Seven days' worth of pills, aerosols, diabetes maintenance, and of course my new best friend ... Ollie, the oxygen concentrator. I want to point out something that isn't part of my everyday life, my appearance. To be completely honest, I put on my "healthy" mask for this photo shoot. I did this more for myself than for anyone else. I wanted to take pictures looking good because it is rare for me to get dressed in something other than loungewear, or to put makeup on, or even to dry my hair. Some days, showers don't get done altogether. So as much as I "don't look sick", I'm very sick. Looking all made up with my hair done, makeup on and a put-together outfit only happens every couple of weeks or so. It took many hours to get ready for these photos. My energy is low and it took me the better part of 5 hours to get my treatment done, eat, shower and be ready. Tom teased that it would take me until 4pm to be ready. Well I'm happy to report it only took me until 3pm, so HA! The rest of that photograph is an accurate depiction of my seven days a week routine.